Friday, July 10, 2015

A Fourth of July Post...6 Days Late

 I'm making two posts today, this one is just because I wanted to show you what I've been up to the past week, and the next one is sewing related (of course).

I worked 4 straight days in a row (12-hour days, 14 after commuting) so that I could have 5 days off in a row for a 4th of July getaway with my husband.  We had big plans to go up to Maine and then drive down the coast and eventually back home.  It sounded all good in theory, but when it came down to it, we decided 5 days probably wouldn't be enough to take a trip that should probably be at least a week long, if not longer.  So we decided to go to Washington D.C. instead.  It is only a 3-hour drive and I am just in love with the city.  I lived there back in my early 20s, my play days I like to call them.  I had a blast and grew to love Washington D.C dearly.  I have rarely been back since, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity, I mean, what better place to spend a 4th of July vacay then the nation's capital?

I just wanted to show you some of the beauty I got to experience while I was there.  If you haven't been, or if you have but the last time was on a field trip in fifth grade, I highly recommend you put it on your bucket list.

We were solely entertained walking the city for 3 days.  We didn't really spend much money, that is the beauty of D.C. There are so many FREE activities.  The public transportation is probably the best in the country and the views are just breathtaking.

Hope you enjoy.  How did you spend your 4th of July?


All of the following buildings were just things I saw on our walk down Capital Hill to the monuments.  How majestic are these buildings?!

 I love this view of the city:

The Canadian Embassy, I took this for our good friends Mark and Julie, who clearly, are from Canada:

Are these flowers amazing? These are all taken from the Conservatory, also a FREE entrance:


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