Hi and welcome! So I'm Andrea, I've been sewing for about a year now and I think I'm an addict. This sewing craze that has taken over me is a little bit of an anomaly for me because I tend not to stick with things for very long before I get bored and move onto the next thing. The weird thing about sewing is that the longer I seem to do it, the more obsessed I've become. I am currently sewing on an Brother XR 1355, this crazy little machine cost me a whopping $169 at Costco. At some point in the near future, I will definitely be upgrading but for now, this will have to do. I have to say, for the price, it has treated me quite well over the past year.

My most recent treat to myself was a Janome 350e. I am brand spanking new to embroidery and let me tell you, it is a pretty freaking cool trick. I've only had my machine for about a week so I've just been playing around but so far I've created a doozie, a shirt for my husband with the twitter logo, and a half completed embroidered onesie for my newest nephew (due in a few weeks); I actually screwed that onesie up pretty well so I don't think he will be getting it...oops.
Anyway...let me show you what I've been working on lately.
I finally finished my blocks from the Boardwalk pattern by Fig Tree & Co. I love how the added triangles make the pinwheels look like they are spinning, and I am in love with fabric by Stephanie Ryan called modern roses. The colors work perfectly together.
I created my own log cabin blocks starting with a fussy cut center square. This fabric is by Sarah Jane and is called Children at Play. I am absolutely in love with her fabrics. I have been hoarding these for a few months now and finally decided to cut into them. It breaks my heart to cut into such adorable fabric, but I think it will be worth it in the end.
I just finished piecing this top with the Briar Rose fabric from Heather Ross. I had been holding onto this fabric for quite some time and could not for the life of me figure out what to do with it. Thank God for Pinterest because I came across this gem of a blog: Charlotte's gRACE for a Cure and fell in love with her idea. I pretty much just mimicked what she did. I am going to keep the boarders off mine and just go with a plain white binding.
Aren't those honey bees just to die for? And look how friendly they are. Generally in the face of a bee like that, I would be screaming like a small child...
You know, when I first started sewing, I promised that I would never be one of those people who have a bunch of different unfinished projects laying around. I wanted to finish one before I started on the next. Clearly, I'm not a very good promise-keeper.
How many projects are you working on these days?